
TechSec is an addon for Blender 3.0/1 that slices geometry and produces SVG of the resulting section that can be optionally applied to the section plane for visualisation purposes. TechSec is now available from the Blender Market and can be found at

TechSec supports line weights and colour, fill colours and pattern hatchings. Interactive visualisations can be conducted and complex section planes used for staggered sections.

TechSec is focused on architectural drawings but could also be used for more general engineering drawings.

A user manual is available and can be downloaded from here.

A couple of images are provided below. The first shows a basic section with SVG template and automatic legend creation. The second image shows a Cycles visualisation of a more complete building model. The third shows a section cut with a more complex section geometry.

TechSec example with legend and template

TechSec Cycles visualisation
TechSec Cycles visualisation

TechSec Free Visualisation
TechSec Free Visualisation

The videos below introduce the TechSec addon and its installation, and how to use the three main modes: SVG, Scaled and Free.

TechSec demo video

TechSec Introduction video and installation

TechSec SVG Mode video

TechSec Scaled Mode video


TechSec Free Mode

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