Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Blender 2.8 - Laser Slicer

I've updated the Laser Slicer script for 2.8. The Laser Slicer cuts up a Blender mesh object into slices and exports them to SVG for subsequent cutting on a laser cutting or other post-processing. This version is quite a bit quicker when doing an accurate polygon based SVG export, and offers a quick pre-view export too. There are now options for cut line colour and line thickness.

Code is now hosted on github and an install-able zip file can be downloaded directly from:


Bug reports can be filed on the github issues page:


I've finally got round to making a video tutorial too.

For older versions that work on Blender 2.7 see the scripts page.


  1. Any chance it will also slice up imported STL models?

    1. As imported STL files become regular Blender mesh objects it should work fine.

    2. great! I didn't want to go down the fusion360 slicer path as it won't run in Linux without lots of WINE gyrations. Way too many laser cutting topographic type projects are showing that solution. I will have to give this a shot.

  2. Hi! Just installed add-on 0.9.2. on Blender 2.8.1a and when I try to slice default cube an error appers.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/Users/aaa/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.81/scripts/addons/laser_slicer-master/__init__.py", line 309, in execute
    File "/Users/aaa/Library/Application Support/Blender/2.81/scripts/addons/laser_slicer-master/__init__.py", line 287, in slicer
    with open(filename, 'w') as svgfile:
    IsADirectoryError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/Users/aaa/Dropbox/CNC/'

    location: :-1

    Any suggestion how to fix this?

  3. Hi
    I have installed laser slicer and it looks very powerful. I am trying to slice a 3D model of a car from front to back. So far I have only been able to slice from top of car to bottom of car. I m not that experienced in Blender so any help would be very much appreciated.

    1. I have worked out how to do this now👍

  4. Hi Kevin.
    LaserSlicer only cuts in the Z direction so just rotate your model before slicing.

  5. Thank you Ryan. That’s perfect. I am trying to create Y section car body buck with stations 100mm apart. Do you know how I Han do this?

  6. I know that there is an add on for SketchUp for making car body bucks called
    Slice Modeller do you know of something similar for Blender?

  7. Thank you Ryan. That’s perfect. I am trying to create Y section car body buck with stations 100mm apart. Do you know how I Han do this?
